Navigating information is often challenging for visually impaired people.Tactile technologies have great potential to improve human-computer interaction (HCI), but they are still not widely used in assistive or mainstream HCI tools. Currently, there is no simple, affordable, open-source tactile interface with strong community support. Hence, as part of my PhD research, we worked closely with visually impaired individuals to codesign a tactile human-computer interface and decided to make it open-source. Our goal is to help others create tactile interfaces for various uses, including assistive technology, gaming, extended reality (XR), virtual reality (VR), neuro-rehabilitation, and consumer electronics. To support collaboration in developing and sharing this technology, we are launching a community platform called Libretactile to organize these efforts.
Juan Nino PhD candidate - PhD student at Laval University in Quebec
Jocelyne Kiss PhD - Associate Professor of Arts and Technologies
Frédérique Poncet ERG PhD - Institutional Researcher, Lethbridge-Layton-Mackay Rehabilitation Centre (LLMRC)
Walter Wittich PhD FAAO CLVT - Associate Professor, School of Optometry
Geoffreyjen Edwards PhD - Professeur titulaire Faculté de foresterie, géographie et géomatique, Département des sciences géomatiques / Université Laval
Ernesto Morales PhD - Associate professor, Faculté de Médecine, Département de réadaptation / Université Laval
Cher Tieng Ting, Research assistant: MSc student in Vision Science - Low Vision Concentration - Universite de Montreal Canada
Romain Picot, Research assistant: MSc student at Créteil university, OT - France
Université Laval
Société Inclusive
CISSS de la Montérégie-Centre
CIUSSS Centre-Ouest
Regroupement des aveugles et amblyopes du Montréal Métropolitain (RAAMM)
Office des personnes handicapées du Québec (OPHQ)
Other supporters